Admissions Policy
Moraine Valley Community College is committed to an "open door" admission policy. The college shall admit all high school graduates or the equivalent who demonstrate an ability to benefit from one of its programs, subject only to space limitations. Admission may be denied to an applicant when it is not in the best interest of the college or of the applicant to grant admission.
No person will be denied admission to the college or any of its programs on the basis of sex, race, age, national or ethnic origin, religion, or disability.
Once admitted, students may select courses or programs according to their interests and ability. These are determined by evaluating the individual student's high school experiences, previous test scores and college assessment results. Moraine Valley provides advising and counseling services to help each student choose an appropriate field of study according to individual abilities and interests. With some programs, particularly the Health Science programs, space may not be available for all applicants.
High School Students — Students still in high school, 16 or older, may be admitted to college classes if facilities are available and if there is sufficient evidence that they can profit from the instruction. To be accepted, the student shall be recommended by the local principal or designated representative.
Interested students shall submit completed admission information and a high school student authorization form signed by the appropriate high school official. Forms shall be returned to the Registration Office and presented at the time of registration. All courses taken at Moraine Valley will become part of the student's permanent record.
The $25 Admissions Fee covers new student processing costs. These costs include the review of high school/college transcripts and documents, awarding of AP/International Baccalaureate /Biliteracy credit, New Student Orientation, Academic Advising and assistance with the enrollment process from the time of application.
Employees who recruit and enroll students must refrain from using high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple (three or more) unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in-person, or engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing service member enrollments.
Admission to Health Science Career Programs
Health Information Technology, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Sleep Technology, and Nursing are health career programs leading to an Associate in Applied Science degree. Mammography Technology and Computed Tomography are health science certificate programs. All of these programs have special admission requirements and limited enrollment. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all admission requirements are met, and all documents and scores are submitted on time. Only complete application files will be reviewed for admission. As part of the admission process, most health science programs require that students submit a health history and physical evaluation. Students may also be required to complete a criminal background check. Students also may be required to have current medical insurance.
Student Classification
Student classification refers to the familiar names for the two undergraduate years at a community college: freshman and sophomore. Your classification is not determined by the number of years of college coursework you have taken but by the number of credit hours you have earned. Please see below to determine your student classification.
- If you have earned 0-29 credits you are considered a freshman
- If you have earned 30 or more credits you are considered a sophomore
Program of Study
To receive financial aid, students must declare an eligible program of study.
Degree Seeking Students — All degree seeking students must complete placement tests and attend New Student Orientation. Orientation will include registration for the first semester.
All new degree seeking students must enroll in COL-101 College: Changes, Challenges, Choices.
Non-Degree Seeking Students — Students pursuing a certificate or students-at-large may register in person, by telephone, or online from the website. Students who need assistance with educational planning and course selection may contact an advisor. Students who enroll in composition and/or mathematics courses are required to take placement tests in these areas.
Continuing Students — Currently enrolled students receive priority registration dates for the fall and spring semesters. Academic information for registration is available in the class schedule. All students may register in person, by telephone, or online from the website. Students who need assistance with educational planning and course selection may contact Academic Advising.
Registration for Late-Start Classes — A student may register for a course 12 to 17 weeks in length during the first week of the course. A student may register for a course five to 11 weeks in length during the first three days of the week that the course begins. A student may register for a course four weeks or less in length the first day of the course. After the midterm date of each class, no registration will be allowed and no additions will be made to the class roster.
Application Fee Waiver Documentation
To qualify for a waiver of the $25 Admissions Application Fee, an individual must provide proof of financial hardship or record veteran information on their application (veteran or active). The following is a list of instances where a fee waiver can be granted. Economic need for waiver is defined as the following:
- Student has received or is eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver
- Student is enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
- Student’s annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
- Student is enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids students from low income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
- Student’s family receives public assistance.
- Student lives in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or is homeless.
- Student is a ward of the state or an orphan.
- Other request from high school principal, high school counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader.
- Returning students who have $0 expected family contribution (EFC) on FAFSA.
Application Fee Waiver Process:
- Download the application fee waiver form from the NACAC website.
- Complete the form with the appropriate high school official or provide appropriate documentation.
- Bring completed form to the Moraine Valley Admissions office and complete the application in the office. Admissions office is located in Building S, Room S101.
Please contact the Admissions office at 708-974-5355 or visit Admissions in Building S, Room S101 with questions.
Advanced Placement Exam
Students may be granted college credit through successful performance of the advanced placement exam from College Board. Click here for AP course equivalencies. Students are responsible for submitting the scores to the Office of Registration and Records, Building S, Room S111. To post AP exam credits to Moraine Valley transcript, complete a Transfer Credit Evaluation Request form. Evaluation request forms are available online via MVConnect under Student Resources. Click on Registration and Records for the online form. Students must score the required score set by the appropriate department.
Cooperating Colleges
A resident of the Moraine Valley Community College district may attend another Illinois community college if that individual is accepted into a program at another Illinois community college that is not offered by Moraine Valley. Both full-time and part-time attendance is allowed. Cooperative applications will only be approved if submitted by the appropriate deadlines: July 20 for fall, Dec. 16 for spring, and April 20 for summer. Applications received after the due date will not be approved. The cooperative agreement does not apply if a student enrolls in: a transfer or remedial/developmental program, or classes that are part of continuing education, general studies, community services, or short-term job training programs (noncredit).
Download the co-op application or pick up a form in the Registration Office, Building S, Room S103. For more information on cooperative agreements, contact the office of Enrollment Services at (708) 974-5346.
Official Withdrawal
After the prescribed period of tuition refund, students may withdraw from courses by processing a drop form during regular office hours through the Registration Office, Building S, Room S103; by phone at (708) 974-2110; or, by accessing their academic record through MVConnect.
Every course has its own drop date. If a student has holds on his or her record, he or she is not permitted to withdraw from courses online. The student must either call (708) 974-2110 or visit the Registration Office, Building S, Room S103, during business hours to withdraw from a course. The deadline dates will apply regardless of any holds the student may have that prevent them from withdrawing online. Students with no holds may officially withdraw online through their portal on MVConnect.
Institutional Drop Policy
Moraine Valley Community College has the right to institutionally drop students for non-attendance. Students who are reported at the Financial Aid Census Attendance date by their instructors as non-attending will be institutionally dropped from those courses. The course that is Institutionally Dropped will not be reflected on the student’s final transcript, and full refund for that course with be issued to the student. Students who are receiving financial aid may have their aid impacted by courses being institutionally dropped.
International Baccalaureate
Students may be granted college credit through successful performance on International Baccalaureate exams. Students are responsible for submitting the scores to the Office of Registration and Records, Building S, Room S111. To post International Baccalaureate credits to Moraine Valley transcript, complete a Transfer Credit Evaluation Request in the Admissions Office, Building S, Room S101. Students must score the required score set by the appropriate department.
State Seal of Biliteracy
Moraine Valley Community College accepts the State Seal of Biliteracy. The State Seal of Biliteracy is a high school program that recognizes public high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.
Students who have earned the State Seal of Biliteracy will earn up to 8 hours of credits of foreign language course. Credit granted will be based on foreign language course equivalencies, or elective credits.
Credits must be applied to the college transcript within three academic years of high school graduation.
Moraine Valley will recognize the State Seal of Biliteracy regardless of the state in which it was earned. Official high school transcripts may be sent to Moraine Valley directly from the high school via mail at
Moraine Valley Community College
ATTN: Records Office
9000 W. College Park Way
Palos Hills, IL 60465
Or, email
Sealed transcripts may be brought and hand delivered to the Records Office, Building S, Room S111. Credits will be posted when transcript is received.
Current Courses:
- ARB 101 (4) and ARB 102 (4)
- ASL 101 (3) and ASL 102 (3)
- FRE 101 (4) and FRE 102 (4)
- SPA 101 (4) and SPA 102 (4)
- GEN 999 (8) (for languages not offered at Moraine Valley)
The Seal of Biliteracy is designed primarily for spoken language using ACTFL standards, and the standards for ASL at the high school level are continuing to evolve; therefore, Moraine Valley, in keeping with the State Seal of Biliteracy, will accept ASL credits for ASL 101 and/or ASL 102 subject to review of the qualifying student’s high school ASL Seal of Biliteracy Portfolio. In the event that this review results in the student being placed in ASL 101, Moraine Valley will award elective credits for the ASL high school work.